Explain what is the significance of CTR and how do you calculate it?
Explain what is the significance of CTR and how do you calculate it?
Updated on 04-Dec-2020
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Explain what is the significance of CTR and how do you calculate it?
Anshu Dwivedi
04-Dec-2020CTR stands for Click-Through Rate. It gives you feedback on whether you have chosen the right kind of audience or not. For Ex, if you are running an ad but people are not clicking on it means either you have chosen the wrong target audience or you are not talking in the language of users.
How to calculate
CTR is calculated by using the formula no. of click divided by the no. of impression. For example, if you have got 6 clicks and no of impression is 100 then CTR is 6%. When you understand user psychology and use that in your ads copy and headline then the chances of improving CTR go high .CTR is the parameter of your ads performance .